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Basic informations

Expert for packaging, transport boxes and high-solidity multiple packaging. Podorlická kartonážní Company Ltd. produces packaging and cartonnage for packing of your products. We offer complex service in the sphere of production of multiple, transport and consumer packing. We are specialist in large-format and large-volume and extra firm transport paper packaging and boxes.
We produce the biggest packaging of corrugated cardboard in the Czech Republic that is produced in a small and large series. Boxes, cartonnage, octabins, fixation, grids, layers, heavy cardboard even with multi-coloured printing.
Our advantage is our experienced team of professionals and custom manufacture of even the largest packaging according to your requirements. The matter of fact is optimization in term of material, price, recommendation of construction and rate of production.
More information about the assortment you can find on our web sites. We can show off the new machine for packaging production which is completely controlled by a computer, including flexographic and rotary segment. We process 2500x6500mm formats of materials.

Address and contacts

Mírová 389


518 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 494 622 747

Mob.:+420 737 848 708

Fax: +420 494 622 141



Promotional materials

ČSN EN ISO 9001:2001 Download
Exponát byl oceněn v prestižní národní soutěži, pořádané obalovou asociací / obalovým institutem SYBA, členem World Packaging Organisation. Download
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