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Basic informations

Principal activity of the company Imrich Labanc A-Z Elektric is reparation, service and reconstruction of forming machines – presses by producer VSS Košice, types LE, LEK, LFJ and other producer Šmeral Trnava, types LEN and LEXN.

The company purchases and sales used forming machines and also sales repaired forming machines. Our company offered high-quality and affordable machines. Output documentation about complex reparations contains certificates about repairs, output audit reports and declaration about conformity of the products. The company provides service and repairs at the customer or in their own workshops where the company has built up a permanent operation. Another activity of the company is assembly, maintenance, professional tests and inspections (revisions) of electro-installation and lightning conductors.

We offer a production of various types and modifications of switchboards. Sale of spare parts and components (electro-magnetic valves, control heads, contactors, switches, limit switches, control elements, distribution boxes, lock washer under the press, etc.). Projects, documents, design documentation and service instructions. More information you can find on our web sites

Address and contacts

Pri Cintoríne 197

Seňa okr. Košice

044 58


Tel.:+421 556 962 230

Mob.:+421 903 629 112

Fax: +421 556 962 230




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