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Basic informations

Best Consulting & Training Company was founded in 2009 in Benesov near to Prague. It is specialized training centre accredited by TPA CWS ANB for training and testing of welders in the Czech Republic. The school is an important subject in the sphere of education of welding personnel, both within the region and in supraregional scale.
The training is proceed in CWS ANB system (Czech Welding Society) and after successful completion of the courses are drawn welding certificates, attestations and certificates with national validity.
Professional background of the training centre is composed by experienced international welding engineer IWE, experienced technologists IWT and welding instructors EWP. All trainers have achieved the high professional level in their field and also have numerous experiences with training of welders.

Address and contacts

Černoleská 1930


256 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 317 753 350

Mob.:+420 725 782 080

Fax: +420 317 727 322



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