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Basic informations

The company BIO SYSTÉM was founded in 1998 with specialization in business subjects and corporations. Since that we have registered a lot of changes and we have expanded range of our activities. Since 2002 we have had a seat in Lobezska Street in Plzen and there are also storages about area 4000m2. Our company offers services in Pilsner region, Kralovarsky region, Ústecký region, South-Czech region, Central-Czech region and in capitol Prague. We are specialized in complex ecological services, service of cleaning works for industrial areas including mounting works, painting works, varnishing works and building activity including collecting areas of waste that is sorted out of households. Principal aim of our company is assurance of complexity, high-quality, fast and reliability of supplies and services for our clients in all offered branches. Award for our individuality in the sphere of problems solution is maximal satisfaction and loyalty of our clients. More information about our company and offered services, you can find on our web sites. We are looking forward to cooperation with you!!!

Address and contacts

Lobezská 41


301 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 377 221 358

Fax: +420 377 241 767



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