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Basic informations

Celet Company was founded in 2000 as the building company realizing classic brick buildings. Later the company has fluently moved to constructions on wood base. Home production plant is in Nová Včelnice near Jindřichův Hradec.
Celet Ltd. is a specialist in sphere of individual houses. We build low-energy prefabricated houses, wooden buildings and residential turnkey houses. Master schedule of the company is family houses (wooden buildings) realized not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad – all of it in Diffuwall certified system with open-diffusive construction with usage of natural and safe materials. The company is holder of certificate ISO 9001:2001 for wooden buildings. We offer architectural and design services.

Exemplary house in Chrudim, t.n.: +420 724 331 290
Referential house in Cheb, t.n.: +420 777 108 200

Address and contacts

U nemocnice 894

Jindřichův Hradec III

377 01

Česká republika

Mob.:+420 724 769 069



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