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Basic informations

Our company deals with engineering support and consulting in a line of surface treatments of metals and regeneration. We are suppliers of equipments and technological wholes in the line of surface treatments of metals inlcuding incidental technology (neutralization plant, exhaustion and so forth). Further we provide developmental work, structural and designing work, designs of technological and ecological solutions in the line of metal surface treatments. MANUFACTURING ASSORTMENT: PRODUCTS AND EQUIPMENTS FROM PLASTICS - 1.) reservoirs, basins, technological bathes, stocking tanks and dry wells of a different forms also sizes, pipe systems, all-plastic sinks, septic-tanks and grease-traps, basins and tanks for food purposes. 2.) All-plastic vertical pumps. 3.) Air equipments - a) all-plastic medium-pressure ventilators b) all-plastic absorption vessels for cleaning of vacuum treated air PRODUCTS AND EQUIPMENTS FOR STEEL - We provide a production of welded technological bathes and basins of all required sizes, forms and arrangements: Further for example: bath aggregates, steel construction, pumps, mixers... For more information contact us at above-mentioned telephone numbers and our web sites (

Address and contacts

Lískovec 397

Frýdek - Místek


Česká republika

Tel.:+420 558 889 320

Fax: +420 558 889 329




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