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Basic informations

The firm carries out building services in these fields: Road engineering - we realizes complete or partial road buildings, artificial building of substructures, bridges, breast walls, arch structures of quarry stone, carriageways, culverts, large strengthened areas. Building construction - we realize new bildings, annexes, finishing of buildings and reconstructions of flat and industrial pattern, we use special technologies - sprayed fibreglasse, insulated foils, modified asphalt straps, sanitation technologies. Adaptation of wateR.O.rses - construction of breast walls, protection earth dams, bank stabilization, cleaning of riverbeds, construction of weirs, polders and protection of territory. Ecological constructions - we remove and erase contaminated soil, we sanitize original structure or we build new one. All surface parts are provided with a layeR.O. sprayed fibreglass. Liquidation of dangerous loads - through laboratory analysis we find out pattern and range of contamination. We consult the customer about optimum variant of liquidation of contaminated loads, including prices. We realize special services and liquidate the contaminated soil. We set the area to the origin conditions (backfill, ripgraps, roads etc.). Production of reinforced concrete blocks with built-in reinforcement, with suspensions and built-in carefully machined stones (mostly granite and limestone). We also offer special services: Hydroinsulation of flat R.O.s with foils and asphalt straps, insulation against ground humidity, insulation of dumps, sanitation of protection walls and bridges, ecological adaptations of energetic distribution centres, sanitation and insulation of, sanitation of concrete structures.

Address and contacts

Bayerova 40


602 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 541 242 818


Fax: +420 541 242 817



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