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Basic informations

The firm FLOBB - Ing. Frantisek Belza is to be found a Kosova Hora near Sedlcany and offers a wide choice of services and products in the field of both plastics and engineering. ASSORTMENT: Production -Production of steel pressed elements including tools, pressing by using of TRUMATIC to the thickness of metal sheet of 3 mm + bending by using of folding machines TRUMABEND, production of drawn sections, production of plastic mouldings, production of injection moulds. Sale - abrasive material (Rekord kolin, CARBORUNDUM ELECTRITE a.s., Lukas, POWER FLEX, AVUKO, HEGER), grommets (plastic), wire markers, scrapers (for potatoes, apples). Our company provides services in creation of production documentation from designs through working methods up to calculation of standards of work expenditure of engineering parts and locksmithery products both individual and compositions. For more information contact us on above mentioned telephone numbers or visit our web site We look forward to you!!!

Address and contacts

Kosova Hora 311

Kosova Hora (okres Příbram)


Česká republika

Tel.:+420 318 822 307

Mob.:+420 603 913 693



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