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Basic informations

The company GRD servis, s.r.o. is specialized in development and production of standard and atypical constructive exacting products from papers, paste-boards, plastics, woods and metals. Packings - job-order manufacture of packings from solid fibreboards and corrugated boards. Gift packages – projects and realization of packages for valuable gift items packing, for example cut glass, cosmetic package, drinks, advertising material, etc. Products of sale support P.O.S & P.O.P. – floor advertising eye-catchers, displays, stands, selling and presentation boxes, desk stands, parquets, dosing machines, wobblers, suspension advertisement, decorations, individual solutions for indoor and outdoor. Another production – files, file boards, styles, archival boards, goods dosing machine to retail networks, plastic price mouldings. In terms of your imagination and usage purposes we process constructional and graphic designs including function dummy for practical tests. All of products are designed and processed with maximal view to ecology and recycling possibility. Using materials have attests according to rules in operation, we are members of back taking and using of waste system EKO-KOM.

Address and contacts

Lazaretní 7


615 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 543 420 421

Fax: +420 543 420 429


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