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Basic informations

The company LAM - PLAST, spol. s r.o. is engaged in the production of ROOF LIGHTING of various types: fixed, open, roof ascent. PEDESTALS – square, rectangular, circular, atypical pedestals. Pedestals could be laminated or metal. Laminated pedestals are manufactured by manual lamination in various thicknesses and orientations. Each pedestal is thermally insulated by a two-centimetre layer of polyurethane foam. It is possible to manufacture the pedestals in various colours related to the surface of the roof (trapezoidal superstructure or with sheeting). It is also possible to affix a fan to the wall of the pedestal. COPULA AND SPIRE – one to three levels, are manufactured from PMMA-acrylate glass approx. 3 cm thick with thermally processed technology of loose heat blowing. Individual layers are drilled and linked to an impermeable, two-sided adhesive strip and silicon. A PLASTIC cover is adhered to the drilled openings for screws that prevent water and break-ins. ACCESSORIES – Stairway set, motors, manual controls, security against break-in and theft, against insects, roof ascent, sensors and central office. The company LAM-PLAST is concentrated on foreign markets – annually, the company sells 20,000 units of roof lighting abroad. OUR MOTTO: "NATURAL LIGHT IS FREE". You’ll find more information, including photographs and technical parameters on the Internet pages

Address and contacts

Kvasice-Střížovice 86


768 21

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 573 358 090

Mob.:+420 602 741 011

Fax: +420 573 359 221




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