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Basic informations

Plynospol Company Ltd. was founded in 1992. The company is located in Hradec Kralove. At the beginning was the supporting programme based on the construction of VLT, STL and NLT gas conduits. Since 2000 we have been also engaged in construction of water supply and sewerage, which met 80% of our orders now.

We also deal with the constructions of distributary and sewerage, and gas connection as a contractual partner of RWE.

Earthworks are executed by our own capacity, rarely by supply from long-time cooperating companies. We are equipped with technologies for welding of PE pipes and for laying all types of water and sewer pipes.

Our customers are both the private entities and public administration entities. Our goal is:

* Carry out the constructions in the highest quality and with the most modern technological equipment.
* Provide the guarantee and after-guarantee service at high level to fully satisfy all customers.
* Flexible access to the new customers and long-time cooperation with permanent partners.
* Offer to our clients the offers with possibility of usage of our high financial stability

Address and contacts

Na Okrouhlíku 527/1

Hradec Králové

500 27

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 495 211 234

Mob.:+420 777 235 114, 777 161 144


Promotional materials

PROPŮJČENÍ práva k používání ,, Značky kvality certifikované organizace " k Certifikátu o registraci organizace pod číslem 0093/2007 Download
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