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Základní informace

The main activities of the company AZOS CZ can be divided into: production, logistic and development activities. In PRODUCTION it acts about these activities – degreasing in automatic degreasing spraying line, assembling operation, disassembly, reconstruction and repairs of shipping containers, welding, metalwork, control and calibration operation, sorting. (We clean and repair pallets and other shipping containers. We are also able to degrease all shipping containers. At repairing of shipping containers we use welding and metalwork of our craftsmen. We provide control and sorting operation including calibration work. We provide assembling operation with corresponding documentation. We supply project control according to standard Automotive. We supply 100% quality of supplies for our customers). In LOGISTICS it acts about material storage and produced parts for customer (own storage space, security stocks subject to security mode). In DEVELOPMENT it acts about SW activity (archiving and data management), dynamic photogrammetry treatment and development of CRASH application, cooperation with TUL in Liberec, with TÚV (ÚVMV), activity for Škoda Auto – support of car development. More information on

Adresa a kontakty

Nádražní 96

Dolní Chrastava

463 31

Česká republika

Tel.: +420 485 107 060

Mob.: +420 774 643 474, +420 603 282 685

Fax: +420 485 107 060



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