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Základní informace

The company GRANO Skuteč spol. s r.o is linked up to hundreds of years old tradition of stonemasons and tilers from Skuteč. Thaks to skills and experience of whole team of our staff, we are prepare to offer to you the widest spectrum of products and works from natural stone including historical pavement which is made by procedure which matches the most exacting requirements of quality and we hold aesthetic quality of original pavement (vide building which are provided under the inspection of UNESCO). We are very proud of that we are more often invited to realization of stone works with the most modern design by our most important architects. Yearly we realize in average over 100.000 m2 of paved surface and a number of another works from natural stone. We ensure supply for buildings - stone fireplace, components of garden architecture, stone-statuary works, abutment stone walls. We have certificate ISO - 9001:2001. Exhibition of our works you can see on out internet pages.

Adresa a kontakty

Tyršova 389


539 73

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 469 326 330

Fax: +420 469 350 445



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