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Základní informace

Jast Company Ltd., is ranked among the stable companies in its field. The company deals with traffic signs, road transport, business activities, forwarding and other technical activities in transport. We offer complex services for temporary marking such as complete scheme, discussion about traffic signs in the relevant offices, assembly of traffic signs and provision of alternative transport. Our service includes regular exchange of power supply of luminous spots, traffic lights and regular functional check of used marking. We provide services to communities in the sphere of documentation, control of traffic signs, sale, assembly and service of traffic signs. In winter we provide thawing salt and cold coated mixture for repairs of road holes. Detailed visual documentation of our activities you can find on our web sites.

Adresa a kontakty

Rudé armády 45

Doudleby nad Orlicí


Česká republika

Tel.:+420 494 383 181

Mob.:+420 602 445 320

Fax: +420 494 383 181




Propagační materiály firmy

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Grafika pokládka Grafika pokládka Stáhnout
Grafika Grafika Stáhnout
Nové dopravní značení – 2016 Nové dopravní značení – 2016 Stáhnout
Nové dopravní značení – Dopravní knoflíky Nové dopravní značení – Dopravní knoflíky Stáhnout
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