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Základní informace

The most quality swimming pools, guarantee up to 50 years, monolithic with integrated heat isolation, more than 30 different types. We provide complex pool supply. Choose color and type and leave the rest on us and within a month you can enjoy yourself swimming. Do you have old swimming pool and you d like new technology? Have you buy a swimming pool with no accessories? We can supply, support professional assembly to different type of swimming pools. Either to concrete and foil swimming pools. On-line shop. In case of any questions please do no hesitate to contact us on telephone numbers above or visit our web sites We are looking forward to you!!!

Adresa a kontakty

Vídeňská 29

Vestec u Prahy

252 42

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 244 400 433

Mob.:+420 602 447 175

Fax: +420 244 400 540



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