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Základní informace

The company PV Plasty Mlades deals with production by method of extrusion and blowing. We process on our lines especially unsoftened PVC, tough polystyrene and at the present time we manufacture products from PE and PP. FIRM ASSORTMENT: Pipes, tube of the diameter to 20 mm, PVC welding wire, pipes and special sections (yeckel), washdown systems (knee, S, pipe) + knee for low-placed flush cistern, map winding section, map hanging section, back connecting section, production of hanging ceiling sections - pelmets; elements of hanging and framing systems and calendar spirals, furniture sections, other sections according to custimer's demands. In a case of further questions please contact us on above-mentioned telephone numbers or visit our web site ( We look forward to you!!

Adresa a kontakty

Haňovice 18


783 21

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 585 100 308



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