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Základní informace

Company POLENA Air conditioning-made-of-plastic focuses on the comprehensive delivery and assembling of air conditioning systems, including special exhaust systems and its components. We also execute supplies of technology parts with aplication PP, consecutively or separately, especially in food-processing, chemical or industrial businesses. Further, we also provide custom-made production according to handed project documentation. Air conditioning polypropylene pipeline made by the company POLENA was awarded the diploma „The Best Exhibit“ and was awarded the „GRAND PRIX“ at the international trade fair FRIGOTHERM 1998; and it was also awarded the „Certificate of Meritn“ for the best exhibit product at the 8th international trade AQUATHERM Prague. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us at the above given telephone numbers or visit our web page.

PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO OUR NEW MANUFACTURING PROGRAMME * - We offer the manufacturing and distribution of furniture for laboratories of all types/schools of all levels, professional food-processing laboratories, medical, biological, chemict, etc./ The furniture construction is executed with the use of the most modern materials in the field of plasts, paying attention to the security of work, ergonometry, maximal persistance, easy replacement of the used-up parts, easy maintaining, absolutely hygienic, and also paying attention to ensure the optimal microclimate of the room, consecutively with the ventilation systems. Adiabatic and polytropic air-washers, possible to assemble „on-the-spot“ (small transporter holes), air-washers as gas adduct and gas absorbers... Plast sale of the Röchling, Simona, Ploma (PP,PPs, PE, ABS, PVC in all sizes) as sheets, in required blanks, or in the basic formats, available for the further processing and manipulation in the warehouses in Prague 5 – Radotin and Dublovice u Seldcan.

Adresa a kontakty

Jarkovská 1

Praha 5 - Radotín

153 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 318 875 779

Fax: +420 318 875 795



Propagační materiály firmy

Ing. Karel Polena - Vzduchotechnika z plastů Stáhnout
Ing. Karel Polena - Vzduchotechnika z plastů Stáhnout
Digestoře COMBI s nábytkem COMBI uspokojí nejnáročnější požadavky nejen z hlediska užitných hodnot, ale i celkového ergonometrického a designového řešení laboratoře (pracoviště). Stáhnout
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