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Základní informace

Main activity of the company is construction of technological lines and repairs of grinding, granulating and sorting technology, which include repairs of machines such as cone and jaw crushers, vibrating sorters, conveyors etc. We provide all works associated with productive activity in the quarries both in inland and in Europe. We built steel constructions for halls, receiving hoppers, slips, hoisting apparatus etc. Including processing of design documentation. The necessity for our activity were establishment of metal-working centre and equipment of machining hall by modern CNC machines, and thanks to them we are able to meet the requirements of the customers both in inland and abroad. Our activities were extended in the sphere of building industry – construction of factory buildings and family houses with immediate entry, engineering networks, heat insulation etc. The company uses management system of the quality, which corresponds to ISO 9001:2001.

Adresa a kontakty

Kojetínská 888/48

Přerov I - Město

750 02

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 581 839 011

Fax: +420 581 208 750



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