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Základní informace

The company TECHNOLOGY, s. r. o. with its regional branches works in the market since year 1992 and deals with supplies (import and manufacturing cooperation) packing machines and complete packing lines including labelling. At the same time it is a supplier of a wide assortment of packaging materials. We have already installed over 13 500 packing machines and lines and our priority is to conform to customers needs and requirements, we try to offer a full assortment WITH THE BEST QUALITY, PRICE AND SERVICE. We also have the showrooms in Jablonec nad Nisou with over most 70 types of packing machines and lines. We offer a complex supply solving of packing machine including all automatization, conveyors, crossover technology as are for example labelling, date print... and supplying of articles of consumption. The company Technology s. r. o. by team of high qualified specialists provides assembly, traininng and providing of customer service till 24 - 48 hours from reporting (95 % of service interventions are moving under limit 12 hours) with a stable service. More information at above-mentioned telephone number or visit our web sites Our aim is your satisfaction!!!

Adresa a kontakty

Liberecká 102

Jablonec n/N

466 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 483 360 101

Fax: +420 483 360 136




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