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Základní informace

Company UNI-MONT, assembly works Limited liability company has oriented its activities first of all in the field of energetics and has aimed at assembly, reconstruction and testing of pressure equipments (pipelines, pressure vessels, cauldrons etc.) and assembly of steel constructions. Company UNI-MONT, assembly works Limited liability company disposes of high quality and experienced experts in the field of welding, pipeline, cauldron and locksmith works for pressure and gas equipments headed by experienced and qualified managerial staff and experts workers (revisory technicians) who coordinate and control how orders are carried out in the period since concluding work contract up to the time of being handed over to the client. The company disposes of 12 welders holding a welder certificate with examination passed according to STN EN 287-1 for the following operations: oxy-acetylene welding, manual coated electrode welding, welding with non-melting electrode in inert gas, welding with melting electrode in active gas. Welding process is performed under a welder technologist`s holding a certificate issued by the Research Welder Institute and the Slovak National Welder Association and an EWF certificate "European welding technologist". The Company UNI-MONT, Limited liability company has created and introduced its own management quality system that meets legislative rules and regulations generally valid in the Slovak Republic as well as International Standards ISO 9002 or ISO 9000:2000. The objective of all activities, carried out within the framework of quality system is to give a customer such guarantees that products being handed over to him shall comply with all specified requirements. Building and control of the quality system is provided for by workers schooled for the activities in the field of building quality system according to standards and norms STN EN ISO 9000 with a certificate issued by MASM/SSK Zilina.

Adresa a kontakty

Nová Lehota 44, 916 35 Nová Lehota, pracovisko Mochovce: Kancelárie K-1, Mochovce, 935 39

Nová Lehota

916 36

Česká republika

Tel.:+421 366 391 155, +421 385 301 267

Mob.:+421 903 712 217, +421 903 763 513

Fax: +421 366 391 155, +421 385 301 267



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