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Basic informations

With a business activity we founded a company KRYFOL Association in 2002 with nine years long experiences. We have been specialized in the spheres of insulations, reconstruction and production of roofing and facade lightening elements and production of transparent systems. These main activities have been continuously extended in the sphere of locksmith constructions and locksmith elements with usage of polycarbonates. Kryfol Company is specialized in production of covering for pools.
The company is especially focused on implementation of buildings, their changes and removal. The content of this activity is production, assembly a repair of skylights and vertical walls, lightening of halls, stadiums and gyms, roofing of balconies, loggia, winter gardens and mobile roofing for pools.
We currently prepare a construction of a new hall and shop in Paskov.

Address and contacts

Pod Křížovou 459

Staré Město

738 01

Česká republika

Mob.:+420 602 557 240 , +420 602 774 580



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