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Basic informations

The company was founded in 1993 and in the same year was opened the first shop in the modest environment of the then junk in Příbram. At that time the sales area was only 80m2. Assortment in this shop was quite limited in comparison with current offer. At the same year the company opened two premises in Mladá Boleslav and Milevsko.
The company takes the goods directly from the biggest producers of flooring material and therefore we can offer to our customers the very best prices. It has already been 20 years of experiences. Motto of our company is not only low prices but we also pay attention to kindness and expertness of our employees. If this is a right effort, you can see in our shops where are offered not only the carpets and PVC and other accessories too.
What does make our company different from the competition? We are not only cutters and shop assistants of carpets. In our shops KOBERCE K+K and KOBERCE O.K. you always receive the professional advice, nice care and great service from our professionally trained consultants.

Why are there two companies KOBERCE K+K?

In the following years the company has grown as well as the offer of assortment. In 2004 K+K KOBERCE Company Ltd. was divided into two independent companies that are not subordinated and they don’t cooperate together. These two companies have only the same name which is well known to all of our clients. Our companies are in 2012 the important payers in the market with large-area shops engaged especially in sale of carpets, PVC and other home accessories.


- Příbram, KOBERCE K+K

- Milevsko, KOBERCE K+K

- Mladá Boleslav, KOBERCE K+K

- České Budějovice, KOBERCE K+K

- Praha 7, KOBERCE K+K

- Děčín, KOBERCE K+K

- Teplice, KOBERCE K+K

- Beroun, KOBERCE K+K

- Karlovy Vary, KOBERCE O.K.

- Trutnov, KOBERCE K+K

- Pardubice, KOBERCE K+K

- Svatobořice, KOBERCE K+K

Address and contacts

Provozovatel: SOFTFLOOR.CZ s.r.o.

Revoluční 762/13

110 00, Praha 1, Staré město

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 800 102 800



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