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Basic informations

The company deals with waste and packaging (collection, transport, removal of all types of waste, usage, recycling, landfill, incineration, special chemical and biological methods, operation of collecting yards, legislation, consultancy, internal controls, internal guideline, supply of system that dispose of wastes as turnkey projects, delivery of technical devices – presses, containers, collecting vessels, …) ADR transport, redevelopment of old ecological burdens, continuous emergency service for interventions for waste spills, chemical substances in industrial plants and transportation, redevelopment after fires, operation with chemical material, documents destruction, consultancy in the sphere of ecology, providing technical services (maintenance of public green areas, public lightening, winter maintenance of roads), building maintenance, industrial cleaning.

Address and contacts

Malé náměstí 124/15

Hradec Králové

500 03

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 495 500 550

Fax: +420 495 500 555



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