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Basic informations

Coombe SOLW Company Ltd. offers oxygenovou material cutting method , cutting plasma, CNC press brake on 6000/400 tons and production of weldments. We manufacture auger and boilers for wood biomass. In the manufacture of final products to fully utilize all of our machinery.

In addition, we are the main distributor of sealant against air leaks from punctured tires , the producer of the English company OKO Group Limited. In the field of ecology, in addition to the above boilers for biomass energy sources we desulfurization method DEEMIS where we work closely with OMEGA, Spolka based in Glogowvě and Energoprojekt - KATOWICE, the ...

The fundamental and permanent priority of the company include quality control. The first certification was achieved in 2002 with the certification body Stavcert Praha , spol. s.r.o. A quality management system to date meets the requirements of ISO 9001 : 2001 and DIN EN 729-2 .....

More information on the telephone numbers above or visit our websiteěšíme to cooperation.

Address and contacts

Starobělská 1063/13

Ostrava, Zábřeh

700 30

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 731 442 706, +420 604 232 046, +420 733 714 299

Mob.:+420 731 442 706, +420 604 232 046, +420 733 714 299

Fax: +420 556 719 520



Promotional materials

První certifikaci jsme dosáhli v roce 2002 u certifikačního orgánu Stavcert Praha, spol. s r.o. Zavedený systém managementu jakosti k dnešnímu dni odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 9001 : 2001 a ČSN EN ISO 3834-2. Interní audit probíhá v průběhu roku v pravidelných intervalech a vrcholí dozorovým auditem certifikačního orgánu jednou ročně. Download
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