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Basic informations

The company UVAX, s.r.o. deals with a METAL PRODUCTION especially a production of KITCHEN WIRE PROGRAM and PRODUCTION FROM WIRE. Further branch is CUSTOM MANUFACTURING OF METAL according to customer request.

In catalogue there are presented products (railing system, wire trailed program, wire kitchen accessories, multifunctional pole, legs, trestles, bar handrails, bar support, supporting bars, bearing bars, shelf braces, brackets, glass shelves, air gratings, stainless program, hairdressing floor and desk stands and so forth), which gaining a good position for its precision, long lifetime, perfect version aesthetics, and also for its effectual price.

To its customers it also offers GRINDING OF PIPES AND LOGS of different length and diameter, BENDING OF PIPES AND LOGS of different length and diameter. It also offers a sale of GRINDING MACHINES FOR GRINDING OF PIPES AND LOGS of different length and diameter – UVAX 2000 and UVAX 4000. More information find on web site

Address and contacts

M. R. Štefánika 28


787 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 583 217 854-5



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