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Basic informations

The company VAF Přerov s.r.o. is a producer and supplier of industrial sealing and sealing materials.

Our main production programme is a production of flat industrial sealing from the most different sealing materials: from vulcanfibre, from klingerite, from rubber, from metal. To its further activities there belong job order production of shaping sealing from rubber, production of shaping mouldings from metal and sale of sealing materials, o-rings, gland cords, PTFE programme, jointing tapes, pressed rubber sealing, hemp, sanitary ceramics sealing, sealing sets... etc.

More information on above-mentioned telephone number or visit our web site We will satisfy your expectation!

Address and contacts

Janáčkova 263, Přerov,751 24

PROVOZ: Areál ZD Výkleky

751 25

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 581 299 862

Mob.:+420 602 549 635 - pan Kopec

Fax: +420 581 299 860



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