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Basic informations

VH-FB EURO Company Ltd. offers professional cooperation in the sphere of removal of plastic waste. We offer the possibility of regular and long-term cooperation.
We mainly buy pressed LPDE films which are transparent, colored, stretch and agro films too, PP big bags, PE and PP lumps, HDPE packing from drugstore, LDPE and HDPE granulates and other types of plastic materials for reasonable prices. We are looking for material in truck quantity.
We have an excellent payment discipline. We pay cash during loading, beforehand by forma invoice or by agreement. Transport is completely ensured by us. Loadings are realized all over the Czech Republic and partly in Slovakia. All material is ecologically recycled by our business partner.
Our motto: “For you is sorting the end and for us the start.”

Address and contacts

Hlavní 329/78


Česká republika

Tel.:kancelář:+420 776 199 689

Mob.:obchodní zástupce:+420 608 309 888




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