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Basic informations

ABF, a.s. – is a member of chamber of commerce Czech Republic, SOVA ČR. WE ARE HERE FOR EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO BUILD A SUCCESSFUL COMPANY. Since 1995 we have been providing FULL CUSTOMER SERVICE IN THE BRANCH OF COMMUNICATION. Original target the organizing of BUILDING FAIRS (ABF or Architect Building Fairs) has been built with a Czech building INFORMATION SYSTEM, which is still updated. We are a partner of the Capital Prague in a project, whose aim is an establishment of MODERN FAIR AREAL in PRAGUE. It was a pulse for fair extansion. PVA LETŇANY exhibition grounds collects more bigger a number of fairs and exhibitions performed in Prague. In 2005 it took advantage of our product series and information of 287 253 customers from 32 countries from whole world. ABF´s work has been higly appreciated by its customers, which evidences of not only their increasing number, but also our permanent improving position in prestigious competition “Českých 100 nejlepších” – A hundered best of Czech. We cooperate with: Government office and Departments of the Czech Republic, state and europeans funds, the capital Prague, regional authorities, towns and municipalities, “České vysoké učení technické” Czech institution of technics in Prague and further important institutions.

Address and contacts

Mimoňská 645

Praha 9

190 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 222 891 264 - 266 , 225 291 264 - 266

Mob.:+420 776 569 242

Fax: +420 222 891 199



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