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Basic informations

Trading company ASW Valivá ložiska spol. s r.o. is the exclusive representative of firms Rollway and HSP for the Czech and Slovak Republics. It supplies anti-friction bearings and spindle bearings, bearing accessories, bearing bodies and linear guidances. With the aim of more complex meeting customers’ needs, the company offers the products of new contractual partners, mainly of European and Japanese origin. In this manner it offers the possibility for the Czech companies of having a broader choice by introducing the manufacturers, so far less known in the Czech market. The company is in possession of the quality certificate, according to the standard ISO 9002. Technical consultancy and consultancy service are provided in the company seat or in cooperation with the technical department of foreign suppliers. Regarding more detailed information, we refer to our website

Address and contacts

Štefánikova 595/39


695 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 518 341 428, 518 341 429

Fax: +420 518 341 430



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