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Basic informations

B+H Company Ltd. was founded in 1996. The company provides the comprehensive security and reception services. We offer physical security of properties, buildings and logistics centres. We ensure guarding according to your requirements nonstop for 24 hours including weekends and holidays. We process for our customers the security analysis with suggestions of solutions in the sphere of security and protection according to specific needs of the customer.
We offer:
- Physical security of buildings, rights and properties
- Ensuring of security at the social events
- Reception services
- Controls of ill employees
- Detective services
- Assembly of fire and camera systems + assembly of electronic security systems in properties which are under our control
Our workers performed the control in all properties in various time intervals. For the control of correct inspections and opportunity to demonstrate work of our employees, we can install electronic inspection system P.E.S.

Address and contacts

Havlíčkova 92



Česká republika

Tel.:+420 261 009 302

Mob.:+420 728 903 597; +420 728 111 561

Fax: +420 261 009 301



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