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Basic informations

The company DIOSS NÝŘANY a.s. offers these activities: complete product production according to order with usage of mentioned technologies including final assembly, storage and logistics according to client’s needs – cutting of any extended forms, burning of forming parts by laser, bending on CNC folding brakes, cutting, punching, bending of tubes from steel of current quality and stainless thin-walled pipes on CNC benders including welding, shot blasting and disassembly, current steel welding, stainless, aluminium alloys by method MIG, MAG, WIG, powder plastics spraying including or without preliminary surface treatment by zinc phosphate coating, maximal sizes of part is 800 x 1050 x 2500 mm. The company dispose of the most modern unit for spraying of powder baked colours by company Nordson. Speciality is mainly special structured surfaces of machine bonnets and equipment, where is demanded high effect of surface because of modern design. Our company dispose of tool works. More information you can find on our web sites.

Address and contacts

Na Tesle 1238


330 23

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 378 017 226

Fax: +420 378 017 131



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