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Basic informations

Trademark and its philosophy were founded by two architects Ing. Tomáš Děták and MgA. Martin Tesařík. Both studied at High School of Art and Industry in Prague 3, field furniture. After graduation they went to university. Tomáš Děták studied at Czech Technical University in Prague – faculty of Architecture. Martin Tesařík studied at Academy of Arts Architecture and Design Prague – field Architecture and Design.
During their studies was founded Tesařík Studio Ltd., it was in 1993. Under the name of the Studio was created projects of buildings, interiors and designs. A big amount of these works was realized directly by the Studio. In 1999 was founded the branch DUMRAZDVA Company Ltd. specialized in construction of wood houses. During these years we have gained many experiences on the market. We offer houses for everybody and believe that you will be satisfied.
Under the trademark DUMRAZDVA we bring on the market the variations of low-energy and low-cost houses for everyone. We keep the all standards and prescribed norms /EU, SN/ and offer many type variations and sizes of houses. The houses are handed over according to customer’s requirement in different stages of completion. Thanks to usage of wooden construction technology we are able to supply the turnkey projects within 2 months after acceptance of base plate.
For designing and constructing are hired only qualified and professionally efficient workers who do not take their work only as a job but they together breath for this thing.

Address and contacts

Přemýšlenská 326



Česká republika

Tel.:+420 727 983 595



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