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Basic informations

The company FERONA Thyssen Plastics, s.r.o. was established in year 1996 as a subsidiary company of the firm FERONA, a. s. a ThyssenKrupp a. g.
We work as a supplier of plastics especially for building industry, advertisement and industry. Carefully selected assortment from production of the most important world-known producers, precise formatting according to individual customer requirements, goods distribution free-of-charge to all places in the Czech Republic, reliability and quality are of our advantage. We provide technical consultancy, our team regularly takes part in special training in inland and abroad and it still has view of new trends in the world of plastics. Due to the central stocks of the firm ThyssenKrupp a. g. we are able in short time to supply also non-standard kinds of materials.

1.) TRANSPARENT MATERIALS - tube polycarbonate, tube, polycarbonate panel, extruded polymethylmethacrylate (plexiglass), molten polymethylmethacrylate (plexiglass), coloured molten polymethylmethacrylate (plexiglass), extruded styreneacrylnitrile (SAN), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), foils from polypropylene (PP), mouldings from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), tube polypropylene, tough polystyrene (PS) etc...

3.) SANDWICH MATERIALS - ultralight sandwich, aluminium sandwich for building industry and advertisement, sandwich with a polyuretane core.

4.) ACCESSORIES - glues, profiles, screws, bases, packing, binding materials, constructional skylight system, PVC profiles.

For more information, please, do not hesitate to contact us on our telephone numbers or visit our web sites (

We are looking forward to see you!!!

Address and contacts

ul. ČSA 730, Velká Bystřice


772 30

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 585 151 214-6

Fax: +420 585 351 807



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