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Basic informations

Consulting & Trade company has worked on the market since 1991 as a commercial representation of the prominent producers of machine tools. The main activity is a sale of machinery, service provision, technologies selection and supply of spare parts for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Technical consultancy is provided by the company NST – Ing. Josef Volf, Hradec Králové. High-quality of the machines is offered by represented companies: MICHAEL DECKEL – CNC centers for the production and sharpening of the tools, manual and universal tool sharpeners, FIDIA – CNC high-speed machining centers for tools and forms production, ELB SCHLIFF – flatling grinders, section grinders, grinders with rotary table, portal grinders, DISKUS WERKE – production grinders for bilateral synchronous grinding by front of wheels, TECNO DELTA – flexible machines and lines, two-spindle HOC, deep-drilling machines, AFFILATRICI 3M - tool sharpener for drills, HEYLIGENSTAEDT – CNC lathes, heavy lathes and portal milling machines, PIETRO CARNAGHI – carousel lathes and grinders, BONELI – centreless grinders, DOIMAK – round grinding, grinding of gearing and hobs, MELCHIORRE – lapping and fine grinding, GIUSEPPE GIANA – machines for deep drilling, MAS – progressive honing, FORNI TECNICA – thermal treatment, TREVISAN GT – machining centers for tooling of armatures and flanges, TN – special TN tools for power machining. More information you can find on our websites

Address and contacts

Jevanská 23

Praha 10


Česká republika

Tel.:+420 274 776 017

Mob.:+420 602 201 504

Fax: +420 274 775 391



Promotional materials

Automatizované ostření nástrojů Fortis Automatizované ostření nástrojů Fortis Download
Představíme Vám naši nejnovější řadu HSC obráběcích strojů, vysoce výkonné řídící systémy a patentovaný antikolizní system ViMill. Download
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