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Basic informations

Klimastar Company, Ltd. deals with industrial cooling of industrial technologies, it provides technologies for water cooling, technologies of cold storage and ice boxes, including insulation; it also provides distribution and installation of the "thermokings", cooling and ice boxes including the aggregates. The company specializes in all sorts of kitchen equipment. The company also supplies the health care institutions with technics designed for special cooling using low-temperature device up to -80°C (validation, transfusion centres, blood plasma preserving, etc.). The company distributes and designes complex solutions for office air-conditioners Toshiba and other producers in different modifications. The company also offers wood driers, chamber driers, barometric chambers, corn chilling, heat pumps, ice-stadium cooling technologies, bulk cool chambers and freezers, freezing tunnels. The company also provides councelling service and projection, distribution, installations and servicing. More information is available on the web page

Address and contacts

Smetanova 764

Kolín IV

280 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 321 714 294 ,+420 321 717 536


Fax: +420 321 714 294



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