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Basic informations

Company KOVO TOMANDL CNC Ltd. deals with CNC turning, diameter from 6-65 mm from a rod, from 50-200 mm dimension timber, CNC milling, CNC tooling (up to 8 controlled axes). Vertical milling on CNC centre (table 1300x600x600 mm), horizontal milling - 2 pallets, 4 axes. Working with metal plates, welding of small components in CO. Pressing. Quality of the production is measured on three axes device Wenzel (measuring protocol). Our company is equipped by a top of world technology. We are working on machines MAZAK – three axes controlled, DAEWOO PUMA, MIYANO, GOODWAY, KIWA, AWEA. Welding of small components in CO. Pressing up to 100 tons. Folding of metal plates up to 4 mm. Machining of stainless steel and nonferrous metals. More information you can find on our website

Address and contacts

Sedlice 13


344 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 379 768 547

Mob.:+420 602 150 305

Fax: +420 379 758 547



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