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Basic informations

MĚĎ POVRLY SLOVAKIA, a. s. is a Slovak producer of half-finished products from copper and brass. It produces Cu alloys, Ms and Cu pipes, bars, wires, bands, sheets, Ms cups for an ammunition, Cu tram wires, lamella, Cu anodes for a galvanizing, with a turnover 1 mld. Sk and production of 11 tis. tons per year. More than 55 % of production tends abroad. All products have a wide utilization in the field of industry as are for example: for building, electrodes for welding, solders - for brazing of different components in engineering and electrical industry and mount of other products used in refrigerating industry, heating, automatization, galvanization, polygraphic and automotive industry. The company owns a system of quality according to ISO 9001:2000 for all products. More information about this company learn at www, or at mentioned e-mail address, or telephone numbers.

Address and contacts

Robotnícka, P.O.BOX 24

Považská Bystrica

017 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+ 421 424 327 552

Fax: + 421 424 325 355



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