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Basic informations

Production of injection moulds, tools, glass moulds, pressing of metals and plastics.
Tool-shop and pressing-shop Company is specialized in production of forms for plastics, pressing tools and various products, further pressing of plastics and others.
We offer electro-erosion machining with usage of wire cutter and digging machines, milling with usage of conventional and CNC milling machine, turning work and flat and cylindrical grinding. Production of injection moulds, tools, glass moulds, pressing of metals and plastics. Moulds and pressing tools are devolved as tested with reference samples that are produced in our pressing shop. In the pressing room of plastics are processed all common types of thermoplastics up to moulding weight of 250g.

More information you can find on website

We look forward to you!

Address and contacts

Ke křížku 128

Tišice, Kozly

277 15

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 315 696 500

Mob.:+420 775 283 457

Fax: +420 315 698 948



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