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Basic informations

The REMKO, SPOL.s.r.o. company acts as sales representative of the German company REMKO. The company delivers hot-air and air-conditioning apparatuses in mobile and stationary designs, dehumidifiers and other devices, intended for air treatment. Our company turns to our clients, providing them a wide range of products: BUILDING INDUSTRY – we offer hot-air mobile usnits for building production, stationary units for service heating and dehumidifiers for termination building operations. ENGINEERING – heating and ventilation, eventually air-conditioning of production plants,offices, rooms for IT (server rooms). AGRICULTURE – heating, eventually dehumidification of green-houses and foil-houses, work-rooms and stables.SALE AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES: stationary units for heating and ventilation of business halls and in-store houses. The company assures: *deliveries of particular devices of whole systems, in the turn-key form, straight by our company, or through our trade network all over the Czech Republic. LEASING: mobile air-conditioning devices, hot-air aggregates for electric current, bottled gas, oil and extra-light furnace oil, dehumidifiers. or more information please search on our websites.

Address and contacts

Areál Letova, Beranových 65

Praha - Letňany

199 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 234 313 263, 283 923 089

Mob.:+420 602 624 240

Fax: +420 234 313 263



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