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Basic informations

STABOS Company Ltd. is specialized in construction of family houses with immediate entry, provides constructions, reconstruction and repairs of industrial buildings. We offer grant fulfilment – GREEN SAVINGS. Currently the company has very good rear with about 70 permanent employees of all professions. The company has all material and technical equipment to enable satisfaction of the most demanding customer too. WE OFFER COMPLEX SERVICES – building activity - building trades, locksmith production, water, heating, tinsmith production, paint, coat, road transport, goods traffic, working by hydraulic hand, earthworks, storage and sale of construction material. In 2007 STABOS Company got certificate BS EN ISO 9001:2000 for building constructions, their changes and demolitions. Certificate was given by NQA Company. More information you can find on our web sites or you can contact us on our phone numbers. We look forward to cooperation!

Address and contacts

Bohuslavice u Zlína č.203

Bohuslavice u Zlína

763 51

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 577 991 009, 577 991 951

Fax: +420 577 158 470



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