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Basic informations

Company UNIKONT PRAHA Ltd. deals with CLEANING, SCAVENGE and UTILITY TECHNICS ON CZECH AND SLOVAK TRADE MARKET. We are the sole agent of companies HAKO, EPOKE, GHIBLI A RIBO. In our sortiment you can find: PROFESSIONAL VACUUM CLEANERS GHIBLI, INDUSTRIAL VACUUM CLEANERS RIBO, FLOOR-WASH AUTOMATIC MACHINES, DUST-FREE SWEEPERS, A COMPLETE SET OF MACHINES FOR WINTER MAINTANANCE, MUNICIPAL BODY-WORKS MOUNTING, ETC. We offer you under-guarantee and after-guarantee service on the entire area of the Czech Republic. We also offer free and non-commital demonstration of our machines at the customer´s place. For more information please visit our web page

Address and contacts

Služeb 609

Praha 10

108 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 272 701 785, 272 701 788, 272 701 794

Fax: +420 272 700 602



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