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Basic informations

The firm Wikov MGI deals with a production of gearboxes and gear wheels. We produce both standard catalogue industrial gearboxes and the special gear units for various industrial applications and means of transport as well. The gearboxes meet individual customer needs from a large variety of industry segments: rubber industry and plastics industry, chemical industry and paper industry, food processing industry, power engineering (hydro, wind and heat power plants), metallurgy, mining industry, processing of raw materials and wastes, handling machinery (cranes, winches, hoists, conveyers, and so forth), transportation equipment (rail vehicles, ships, special vehicles), traffic infrastructure (equipment for railroads and ports), industrial waste water treatment (centrifuges). More about this company find at web site, e-mail address or telephone numbers.

Address and contacts

Zbečník 356


549 31

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 491 488 111

Fax: +420 491 488 412



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