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Basic informations

ZPS – FRÉZOVACÍ NÁSTROJE is long term producer of milling cutters, braces and provider of metal heat treatment service. The beginning is dated to thirties of last century when used to produce tools in tool rooms MAS as a part of Bata concern for own usage. Since 1992 is ZPS – FRÉZOVACÍ NÁSTROJE a.s. exist as joint-stock company a part of ZPS Zlín. Since 2001 as separate firm.2005 the firm started to have division forms which include divisions as Milling machine, Drilling machine and Heat treatment. The company employs 160 people. Production assortment of milling machines includes wide range of shank-type cutters (cylindrical, grooving, copying) milling machines with Morse come, sheer cone, forming cutter with reticulated and hole, side and face cutter. Main parts of our production are milling cutter made-to-measure. Technology use machines from Junker, Walter and Studer. Brace assortment includes sizes 1,00 till 16,00 mm according to DIN norms and special braces 0,1 mm or 0,05 mm. It supply by Guehring Automation from Germany with know-how. Heat treatment offers either service for own usage or for customers. It is mainly vacuum hardening and ion nitration. Company offers includes consultancy and own delivery transport. Our aim is to successfully provide excellent customer service which is shown from export to EU countries. The company is certified according to CSN – EN ISO 9001. 2000

Address and contacts

třída Tomáše Bati 5334


760 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 576 777 510



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