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Basic informations

The company BEILHACK Bohemia s.r.o. offers production of municipal systems. Superstructures and additive appliance for maintanance of towns, municipalities and areals. Assortment: WASHING SYSTEMS BWG – for washing of road columns and road barriers. GRITTING VEHICLE BBS – suitable for gritting of roads, streets, pavements and squares in towns and municipalities, SNOW PLOUGHS PKN– head-on, solid ploughshare with a spring-loaded shield, to remove snow up to 200 mm. SNOW MILLING VEHICLE BFS – head-on vehicle to remove continuous snow layers up to 900 mm. ROAD SWEEPING VEHICLE SZ – for winter and summer maintanance of roads, local traffics, pavements and pedestrian zones. LOW-PRESSURE WATER CISTERN CNT – intended for transport of industrial water, for possible, following irrigation of lawns and decorative vegetation. HARD-HITTING BRUSHING VEHICLES AK – for destruction of impurities on roadsides and pulling out herbage at curbs. For more information please search on our websites.

Address and contacts

Soběraz 76


507 13

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 493 534 833

Mob.:+420 603 469 735

Fax: +420 493 525 032



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