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Basic informations

The company BONAS spol. s r.o. was established on February in 1991. Among deciding activities of the company belong : supply and wholesale and retail sale of garden technique and equipment for free time from prestigious producers like for example SABO, MTD - GUTBROD, SANDRI-GARDEN, GLORIA, JUWEL, AMCA, GOIZPER-MATABI; import and supplies of communal technique and building machines by KUBOTA ; guaranty and after-guaranty service of garden and communal technique ; sole agency – TECUMSEH and PEERLESS; tire service and sale of tires - PARTNER OBNOVA; dispatch and transport. With stabilisation of existing contract net of customers and service workplaces we try to create conditions for maximum satisfaction of all users of our supplied and service technique.
Maximum care about clients we consider as our primary obligation. We will be glad when you join with us and enable our team to realize your requierements.

Address and contacts

Sepekov - Staňkov 425


398 51

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 382 502 525


Fax: +420 382 521 021



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