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Basic informations

ELLA-CS is a purely Czech company without any foreign capital in spite of the company is working worldwide. Our company is represented in mostly 50 countries all over the world and the territory of our business is still growing.
Research, development and professionalism
The success of our products reflects the reliability and excellent quality of production. The company is still working on development of original medical equipments which help with extension of therapeutic possibilities of the doctors. For the successful development is important the cooperation with leading international professionals, especially with specialized doctors. Our products are strictly tested in professional publications and studies from prestigious workplaces all over the world. The main focus of the company is development of original products in close cooperation with the most important world clinical centres.
Current production
Currently, ELLA-CS Company is specialized in development and production of stents for gastrointestinal tract. Our portfolio includes oesophagus stents, pyloroduodenal stents, biliary and colorectal stents. Our company is a producer of a few worldwide unique medical equipments.
The company works in terms of quality management system in accordance with EN ISO 13485. Products are prepared in clean rooms classified according to EN ISO 14644 as ISO Class 7. The company keep the principles of correct manufacturing practice according to European and Czech standards.

Address and contacts

Milady Horákové 504/45

Hradec Králové

500 06

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 495 279 111

Mob.:+420 737 903 142

Fax: +420 495 265 655



Promotional materials

ELLA Extraktor (obr. 1) se skládá ze dvou částí – samotného extraktoru (obr. 2) a převlečné trubice / overtube (obr. 3). Samotný extraktor se pod endoskopickou kontrolou zavede k implantovanému stentu. Následné zavedení převlečné trubice a všechny ostatní kroky jsou prováděny jedině pod skiaskopickou kontrolou. Popsaný systém extraktoru umožňuje bezpečné vyjmutí stentů typu „SX‑ELLA“ z jícnu včetně vyjmutí migrovaných stentů ze žaludku. Download
Výroba speciálních zakázkových implantátů využívaných pro neurochirurgii, kranioplastiku, korekci vad velkých kostí, maxilofaciální chirurgii a plastickou chirurgii Download
Stent Veterella je určen k terapii tracheálního kolapsu u psů. Zaváděcí systém s komprimovaným stentem je určený pro implantaci do stenotické průdušnice pod skiaskopickou nebo endoskopickou kontrolou. Download
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