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Basic informations

Top quality technique for tradesmen and big companies - selling & servicing. Welding technique – sources MIG/MAG - standard and invertors. Sources for high-performance welding MIG/MAG T.I.M.E. and T.I.M.E. TWIN Digital, LaserHybrid. Welding sources TIG, in executions DC and AC/DC - inventors. Sources for manual arc welding with covered electrode. Equipment for automation of welding process. Accessories, fillers, selling spare and original expendable parts. Providing prompt guarantee and post-guarantee service. Leasing equipment of welding technique. Offer of providing complete solution for the problem of welding process automation, as developed in the new Technological Centre in the Prague. Standardised components for welding, possibility of producing dedicated equipment, orbital welding, software for monitoring, control and evaluation of welding process. Complete furnishing welding workplaces with exhaust and filtration technique, high-quality working protective means for welders.

Address and contacts

Dolnoměcholupská 1535/14

Praha 10

102 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 272 111 011, 272 742 369

Fax: +420 272 738 145



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