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Basic informations

We produce various types of hydraulic aggregates with electronic control and industrial installations for all industry sections.

The production and service takes place in modern assembly hall and guarantees the compliance with the technological procedures as regards quality, assembly, and treatment of the assembly area. Single purpose machines for the assembly of hydraulic screws, bending and protection of pipes guarantee quality of assembled hydraulic lines.

Our products are 100% tested prior to dispatch and we provide our clients with the testing protocol. We perform assemblies of our hydraulic aggregates and hydraulic lines, system commissioning, and its setting directly on customer's site. We provide guarantee and post-guarantee servicing.

The business interests of HYDROMA focus on the supplies to traditional Czech and Slovakian manufacturers of machines and devices designed for internal market. The tendency to increase export of the system to the overseas customers is growing.
Our customer benefits from time tested technical solutions of our suppliers, offer wide product range, design, and international experience.

The customers use the wide offer range of hydraulic components for comprehensive supplies and purchases of components "under one roof". The economical growth enabled us to complete further investment into the company infrastructure and technologies. Our information system enables us to flexibly react to the requirements of our clients.

Address and contacts

Vlčnovská 2477

Uherský Brod

688 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 572 637 796

Fax: +420 572 637 729



Promotional materials

Vážení obchodní partneři, dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na 58. Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh v Brně. Vážení obchodní partneři, dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na 58. Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh v Brně. Download
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