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Basic informations

Development, production: - job-order manufacture of parts, frames, metal plates for single-purpose machines, - automatic machines for automobile and electro-technical industry, - custom-made equipment from construction project and production to revival and installation of machines by our clients, - guaranty and after-guaranty service, - assembly and control machines, - computerized workplaces, - assembly lines that are instrumental to mechanization and automatization of industrial process, - these equipments are developed according to consumer needs or according to supplied technical documentation, - produced machines are up to standards of European norms and have CE certificate. Machines production for electro-technical industry: - in close contact with home company JCC Engineering Co. Ltd. and FEE Co. Ltd. We partake in automatic machines production for production of electrolytic roll-type capacitors for prominent world producers of these elements – automatic winding machine of capacitor rolls, - automatic mounting machines, - burning and testing automats, - packing machines. Distribution, sale: - semi-products of aluminium alloys by company Gleich GmbH – exact milled or rolled boards that are suitable for using in the act of machines building or for various engineering applications with demands on higher production accuracy.

Address and contacts

Dobrovského 602/III


563 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 465 350 711; 465 350 713

Fax: +420 465 350 710



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