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Basic informations

We offer CNC forming machines
We are selling production technologies such as CNC for cold forming, cutting and welding, as well as their service, training, translation of instruction manuals, preparation and design and realization of task.
We offer technologies for:

- CNC machines and production lines for rolling of metal sheets and laser welding, as well as for pipe and profile laser cutting.
- CNC bending of pipes and profiles.
- Straightening and cutting of wires, CNC welding of wire nets, butt-welding of wires and other.
- CNC bending of wires for 2D and 3D products.
- CNC cutting from bars, and further machining of round and other parts.
- CNC forming of pipe ends.
- CNC cutting and deburring of pipes and profiles.

Address and contacts

Litevská 2572

Kladno- Kročehlavy

272 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 312 249 281


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